
Uh Manja! Suami Minggat Kalau Tidak Dimandikan

Ada beberapa golongan orang yang biasanya dimandikan orang lain. Anak di bawah usia lima tahun atau balita, orang sakit, orang yang sudah uzur, atau orang meninggal yang dimandikan secara beramai-ramai. Tapi, kini ada tiga tambahan golongan lagi orang yang hobi dimandikan orang lain, sebut Donjuan, 45. Meski yang memandikan adalah istrinya sendiri, Karin, 44, lambat laun wanita yang tinggal di Sukomanunggal itu mulai kesal dengan kebiasaan sang suami.

Memandikan Donjuan tiap pagi dan sore bukan hal asing lagi bagi Karin. Ini karena sejak awal menikah, dia sudah terbiasa memandikan Donjuan. ”Dari kecil sampai dewasa, mamanya yang memandikannya. Jadi mau tidak mau, sekarang saya sebagai istri harus melanjutkan kebiasaan mertua,” jelas Karin di sela-sela sidang mediasi gugat cerai yang diajukannya di Pengadilan Agama, Jalan Ketintang Madya, kemarin (23/10).
Jarang mandi sendiri itu berawal dari kebiasaan Donjuan yang tidak pernah bersih ketika mandi. Selalu ada saja bekas sabun atau kadang kotoran yang masih menempel di tubuhnya. Karena sang ibu sosok yang sangat disiplin dalam menjaga kebersihan, akhirnya dia yang memandikan Donjuan dari mulai jenjang SD, SMP, SMA bahkan kuliah.
Setelah menikah dengan Karin, ibu mertua menyerahkan kebiasaan memandikan anak bungsunya itu kepada Karin. ”Awalnya tidak ada masalah. Saya senang-senang saja sebagai istri. Apalagi mandiin suami juga bentuk dari rasa sayang saya kepadanya,” kata ibu dua anak itu.
Hampir 15 tahun, Karin memandikan sang suami. Bahkan kadang kala, hal itu diselingi melaksanakan hubungan romantis di kamar mandi yang menambah hasrat bercinta.  Kalau memandikannya dua kali dalam sehari, bisa pula hubungan romantis suami istri dalam kamar mandi juga dilakukan hingga dua kali. Belum lagi tambah ketika di kamar menjelang tidur.
Namun tampaknya, Karin mulai ingin menghapus kenangan manis yang disaksikan bak mandi, kran dan toilet tersebut.  ”Bukan karena mandinnya, waktu mepetnya itu lho yang bikin saya capek,” kata wanita yang bekerja sebagai guru itu.
Karin mengaku sudah tidak bisa mengatur waktu lagi untuk memandikan Donjuan. Bangun pukul 04.00, Karin langsung disibukkan dengan urusan masak-memasak dan menyiapkan sarapan untuk suami dan anak-anaknya.
Pukul 06.00, Karin sudah harus berangkat ke sekolah di kawasan Surabaya Selatan. ”Suami bangunnya pukul 06.30. Dia masuk kerjanya agak siang pukul 08.00,” jelasnya.
Supaya bisa tetap memandikan, Karin membangunkan suaminya lebih pagi. Kadang pukul  05.00 atau 05.30. Kalau sudah lebih jam segitu, biasanya Karin meninggalkan rumah dan tidak ada waktu lagi untuk memandikan suami. ”Sudah bisa dipastikan, pulang kerja saya dimarahi. Saya diam saja karena memang mandi suami sudah menjadi tanggung jawab saya,” paparnya.
Sejatinya, bukan marahnya suami yang bikin Karin kesal hingga akhirnya mengajukan gugatan cerai ke Pengadilan  Agama Klas 1A Surabaya pada awal Agustus lalu. Karin kesal karena usai bertengkar, suami juga minggat dan mengadu ke orang tuanya bila tidak dimandikan.
Mertua yang kesal seringkali melabrak dan memarahinya. Karin pun kembali mengalah dan meminta Donjuan pulang ke rumah. Padahal demi meluangkan waktu memandikan Donjuan, Karin sering terlambat bekerja dan ditegur oleh kepala sekolah. Bahkan, dia pernah menerima surat peringatan pemberhentian dengan alasan keterlambatan kerja.
”Saya sudah belan-belani terlambat, ternyata suami malah tidak paham kondisi saya yang harus masuk pagi. Sudah begitu, dia marah dan minggat. Masak sebulan minggatnya bisa sampai 10 kali,” ungkapnya. (*/jay)

how to lose weight fast naturally

These are the top ten ways targeted at people who are fat, overweight or obese to lose weight in just 30 days. These tips and tricks for losing weight are disclosed based upon the suggestions of physicians or medical experts and can be useful for people of all ages.

Obesity is referred to as overweight. In medical terms, people who are very fat and are suffering for extra weight then they are known as obese people. Now-a-days this, so called obesity is referred to as a serious health issue, because it has become a route cause for many diseases. This abnormality may lead to hypertension or high blood pressure. People suffering with obesity are prone to high risk of heart failures and strokes. Because of being overweight you’re susceptible to diabetes. Thus obesity is termed as silent killer in the recent days because of the fatal diseases that are caused as a result of it. Though obese persons have a high risk of being effected by many diseases they can be prevented and controlled with some homemade natural remedies, in accordance to your BMI respectively.

 Body Mass Index also known as BMI, is a simple medical test, which is done by calculating your body weight and height and then applying a specific formula. This measurement shows the amount the weight you have put on and shows if you are considered obese or not.  If the BMI is anything below 20 – 25 then you’re considered to be thin, if it is in between 25 – 30 then you are considered normal or medically fit and if it exceeds above 30, it means that you are obese. And it is time for you to lose those extra pounds, as they can be dangerous and you are prone to various fatal diseases.

Don’t Miss - How To Lose 8 Kgs Weight In 7 Days
Despite of the disadvantages of being obese, your body will lose its shape and you may look a lot uglier that you actually are, you may face humiliation because of this shapeless body and as people having a great physique are admired usually. You can’t wear your favorite dresses and you have to quit specific designs and styles of dresses, as your shapeless body does not allow you to do so. This may make you more worried and you try to shed those unwanted pounds off your body right away. This may make you more impatient and determined to attain weight loss as soon as possible.

Initially, good news is that the problem can be resolved but it doesn’t happen in a day or two, it takes some time to achieve it. So be patient and don’t get worried in this concern. It is obvious that, you did not gain weight at once, and so it is not possible to cut off those extra pounds all at once! Obviously, you have gained weight gradually and will lose them gradually! You might have seen many articles on internet about losing weight quickly in 10 days, since positive everything you do takes some time you could lose weight successfully by following some natural remedies in about 30 days.

Also Read - 7 Days Flat Belly Diet Plan
Here are some of the top best home remedies that help you lose weight faster! These tips are really helpful for you to lose weight as soon as possible. If you follow these tips sincerely then you can cut off those pounds in 30 days. Following are the best tips that are going to be recommended for you to get you a toned and attractive physique.

1. Burn Fats And Calories:
One of the best ways to burn fats and calories in the body is exercising daily for a couple of hours. Exercise helps you stay fit and also keeps you from the diseases caused by excess fats. Taking instructions of a physician is recommended to perform any type of exercise, which helps you follow a schedule. Exercise should be done based on the age and weight of the body.

2. Healthy Diet to Lose Weight:
Improper diet also results to weight gaining and health problems. Fast foods and junk food which we commonly eat these days produce lot of calories and fats in the body. In order to get rid of those fats and reduce weight, we should get rid of the habit of eating such food. If these steps are followed weight loss can be seen around 2 weeks.

3. Leave Carbonated Beverages:
Carbonated beverages that we get like fizzy drinks, packed juices effect you body and leads to increase in the weight of the body because of the calories that are present in them. Carbonated beverages can be replaced by Natural fruit juices which are rich in nutrition and contains low calories which keep you fit.

4. Eating vegetables to lose weight:
Fiber contents, proteins and vitamins that are present in the vegetables help you stay healthy. Appetite can be maintained by replacing meals with steamed vegetables in which there are low

5. Eating fruits to lose weight:
Carbonates, Vitamins, Proteins and fiber contents are rich in fruits which help in increasing the nutrition levels. Fruits have similar advantages as vegetables which help in maintaining health and suppress the appetite. Fruits can be replaced with meals in order to maintain low calorie intake and high nutrition.

 6. Avoid snacks to lose weight:
Having snacks now and then also leads in weight gain and add extra calories and fats that are harmful to the body. This makes the body shapeless. Avoiding such snacks like finger chips, cookies, burgers etc  help you cut the extra fats and keeps you fit and healthy.

7. Stop eating sugar lose weight fast:
Sugar also produces an extra fatty substance in the body that makes you unfit and causes health problems. Reducing intake of sweet substances helps you maintain the body. Making a habit taking fruit juice or tea without sugar keeps you fit and away from fats which causes weight gain.

 8. Reduce sodium lose weight:
Salt contains large amounts of sodium that affect the body causing weight gain. Limiting the intake of salty substances in food that we take daily reduces water retention that makes you look fat. Many researches also proved that excess sodium causes weight gain, to lose weight care should be taken in eating salty substances.

9. Herbal Tea to lose weight:
Antioxidants that is present in the herbal tea helps in fat burning process. It is available anywhere in the market, having herbal tea without adding sugar to it shows best results in weight loss. Toxins and harmful nitrogenous waste present in the body are pulled out by having herbal tea or green tea leading to lose excess weight.

 10. Being Natural:
Keeping yourself natural also helps in the weight loss process. We should not be lazy watching television or playing computer games which leads to weight gain. Avoiding use of machines that reduce effort like elevators, escalators etc makes you perform some physical actions helping to burn fats. Daily walk after meals keep you fit and healthy. The weight loss tips that are mentioned about are very useful in shedding those extra pounds, but you have to follow the tips with lot of dedication and patience. It is a very gradual process so never lose heart or get depressed. Shedding weight is not a tough process but maintaining this toned physique later on is a very difficult job. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow the above tips and tricks to reduce weight in just 30 days. Find out the difference all by yourself after following the natural tips.
I wish I could have delivered the tips properly and hopefully they could help you lose weight! Wish you all a very good health! Come back to us again to find out more useful health tips, explanation of health issues and natural remedies. Remember to share these health tips with your beloved ones, because sharing is helping others to be healthy.

kid games online dora explorer

If your kid is a Dora the Explorer fan, you probably have purchased, or are preparing to buy, any with the available Dora the Explorer games. These video games are educational in nature, much like the Tv show by itself, and assist children create their abilities while getting fun. There is an entire line of Dora the Explorer games created that are designed to concentrate specifically on particular skill sets of one’s kids.

For children aged 3+, I suggest the fun Colour Types game. It helps your small kids understand important concepts as color and type, as well as figures. This easy game’s goal is to collect all various coloured items and obtain to Abuela’s home. Children can choose in between four different characters (Dora, Boots, Tico the squirrel and Isa the Iguana), and can be played in 3 other ways: By colours (age 3+), by figures (age 4+) and even by both colors and numbers (suggested for age 6+). The game’s cards are large enough to appeal any kid, plus they contain descriptions in each English and Spanish. As all Dora the Explorer video games, your kids will sometimes face the villainous fox Swiper, who’ll try to steal all of the collected coloured forms out of your kids. This sport is especially fascinating if you will find 3 or more gamers.

For single gamers, you should probably choose a Dora the Explorer videogame. These games maintain your children entertained while helping then develop their abilities. I suggest the Lost City Journey videogame (for kids aged 3-6), in which your child must assist Dora discover her lacking preferred teddy bear. Dora and Boots should journey towards the Misplaced City, the magic location exactly where every misplaced object winds up. Within the way, Dora will also assist some of her friends find their misplaced items. This game assists your children develop his/her pondering and math skills, in addition to his/her issue solving skills.

What may be better than obtaining your children some thing to perform with in your pc that offers enjoyable, excitement, challenge, and schooling for free?
The internet offers these kinds of video games that will really get your children excited. An instance of free on-line games for kids is Dora the Explorer. You may have seen Dora the Explorer on Television. And, you might discover how your child can really learn about math, music, physical coordination as well as understand how you can communicate some basic Spanish language with Dora the Explorer.
Dora the Explorer on-line games will let your children interact with Dora and her friends and may take them towards the imaginative world of Dora where your child can meet Dora?s buddies.

You may notice that Dora the Explorer television display can also teach your children how you can observe situations and resolve issues. Because of this, you might want to consider allowing your children perform Dora the Explorer free online games.
Dora the Explorer free online sport is available inside a quantity of web sites where you can easily entry it and allow your kid start playing the sport. All you’ve to do following the play page load would be to study the instruction and orient your kid how you can perform with Dora the Explorer on-line sport.

Dora the Explorer online video games, like the Tv show will allow your kid interact with Dora and her pet monkey, Boots, to assist them resolve different situations and problems. And, such as the Television display, your child can understand a little of Spanish language.
Find out more about children as well as all round kids behavior along with Dora The Explorer Online Game from our website. Check out our website that discuss children’sideal weight and height

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